Solidarity Liturgy

This is the liturgy of Cambridge Solidarity Hub and is said often by those attending and supporting the hub, in part of in whole. Cambridge Solidarity Hub is listening for change by:

  • Co-operatively working towards the radical renewal of solidarity and hope.
  • Organising across diversity for social justice and eco justice in the city of Cambridge.
  • Networking across communities and individuals who care deeply about inclusion / affirmation, well-being, and sustainability.
  • Dismantling binaries and stereotypes around tables and on city streets by holding space to share, to hear, to feel, together.
  • Dancing into – and out of – spaces of leisure to co-curate gatherings of radical love and distinctive identity.
  • Imagining a new world into being by living in the world we dream of actively today.

This liturgy was written by me, Alex Clare-Young. You may use it, but please credit me and/or the Cambridge Solidarity Hub. Please do not change any of the text without seeking permission.

The Communion Liturgy included in the Solidarity Liturgy was originally written for a Plenary of the Iona Community. It is a flipped communion, with the many saying much of the liturgy, and taking the lead. If you have any questions about this, please do get in touch.

Sung Hallelujah or Chant

Opening Responses

God, you create us to live together, united and diverse, in challenge and transformation. For the possibility of unity even in our diversity, Creator, we praise you.

Christ, you live amongst us, noticed and unnoticed, in power and oppression. For the possibility of communities of respect and nurture, Christ, we praise you.

Spirit, you stir within us, inspiring, enticing, prompting, impossible to pin down. For the possibility of change, of new life, Spirit, we praise you.

Reading and/or Reflection

Music or Silence (if Communion is not being shared during this service/time of prayer, you may wish to skip to the next purple heading.)

Communion Liturgy

We can’t always start from where we want to. We can’t always start with freshly weeded and raked earth. We can’t always start from a blank sheet. We can’t always start with an unbroken loaf, and an unopened bottle. Sometimes we start in a muddy bog, or a patch of nettles. Sometimes the pencil is blunt. Sometimes the paper is crumpled. Today the bread is already broken. Today the juice is already poured. Today we start from where we are, with what we’ve got, gathered, and scattered in community and fellowship. So, let’s celebrate where we are. Let’s celebrate what we’ve got. Let’s celebrate who we are with. If we see our movement towards justice and peace as a common task to be celebrated, then we can take what we’ve already got, rooted in all we are, and transform it into something even more wonderful.

Look, here is bread, broken for us… What is to prevent us from sharing it together?

Look, here is juice and wine, poured out for us… What is to prevent us drinking from the cups of blessing?

Through the prophets we are offered stories of justice and truth, affirmation, and love, change and challenge.

Through Jesus’s life and ministry, we are offered parables and teachings that are often hard to accept, opening us to faith and doubt, grace and questioning, authenticity, and vulnerability.

Through God, Creator and Sustainer, we are offered lives of unity and diversity, individuality and relatedness, gratitude, and potential.

What is there to prevent us from continuing to tell and live out this cosmic story of questions and mysteries, wisdoms, and truths?

Jesus told something of that story in an upper room, gathered with his friends, knowing that almost unbelievable, certainly unpalatable, changes were imminent for him, for them, for us. Let’s remember that story together.

When Jesus was about to be betrayed, and was eating with his friends, what did he do? Jesus took bread, broke it, and gave thanks.

What did Jesus say? Remember me.

Here we are, remembering the betrayal of fellow human beings.

What about after the meal? Jesus took the cup and said, “Remember me”.

So here we are, remembering the abuse and injustice that many kindred suffer.

What else did he say? Jesus also said, “In this cup is the new covenant”.

So here we are, Remembering that we are a part of the promise of a better world.

What do we proclaim? We proclaim Jesus’s death until Christ comes.

So here we are, witnessing to the injustices done to the poor, the oppressed, and the earth, waiting in hope, working for justice.

Shall we pray together?

Holy Spirit, we have sought to recognise you amongst us in all we have heard and shared, we now call on you here. Speak through each of our kindred together around these tables. Open our senses and minds to those we will meet in the coming days. Live in us though this bread, juice, and wine, that we might re-member the Body of Christ here and now.

This is not my table. This is not the church’s table.

Whose table is it? This is God’s table. Where all are more than welcome. We welcome each-other here. Peace be with you,

And also with you. Shall we? Let’s bring our hands together to share a sign of peace, respect and welcome, with each-other.

A sign of greeting is shared by putting our hands together or in another way that we are able.

And so, in peace and in love, shall we invite each-other to the feast? Let’s share this bread, broken for us.

The bread is shared around the tables.

Shall we share God’s cup of blessing? Let’s share this cup, poured out for us.

The cups are shared around the tables.

Prayers with the following response:

In the vast potential of your mercy and grace, Inspire us, transform us, reconcile us.

We say together:

Creator and Kin, as near as breath,

And yet far beyond our understanding,

holy is your name, your new reality come,

your justice be done, here and now.

May we feed each-other, as you feed us.

You hold us in grace when we don’t ‘get it’

May we hold others in grace, too.

May we resist complacency,

and strive for justice and peace,

For all people, and all times, Amen

Song or Chant

Sending and Blessing

We go with the blessing of Abba, Imma, Creator,

To live creatively, for a just world.

We go with the blessing of Christ, Kindred,

To live honestly, for a peace-filled world.

We go with the blessing of the Spirit, Breath,

To love each-other, and all of God’s children.

Sung Amen

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